Therapist Q&A: Answers to Your Top 5 Arthritis Questions

What is arthritis?
Arthritis is inflammation of a joint, which simply means that it is inflammation in an area where two bones come together. This inflammation can lead to pain, swelling, and stiffness. Although there are over 100 total types of arthritis, two of them are much more common than the others. Osteoarthritis is inflammation of the cartilage that exists at the end of the bone. Cartilage lubricates the joint and allows things to move more smoothly. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which your body attacks your joints causing inflammation.
How do I know if I have arthritis?
Arthritis can be diagnosed with an X-ray to assess the joint and look for signs of degeneration of cartilage in the joint. We can also look at how your joint moves and assess your mobility to determine if arthritis is suspected. Arthritis can start to develop in people as early as their 20s and 30s and can worsen with the aging process.
What are the goals of physical therapy for arthritis patients?
The goals of physical therapy with arthritic patients are to restore mobility and reduce pain. “Motion is lotion.” Moving an arthritic joint with stretching and low impact exercise can reduce pain and improve quality of life. Your physical therapist aims to give you the tools necessary to improve your functional mobility through exercise and pain management strategies.
Is arthritis curable?
Physical therapy does not reverse the damage done to a joint, but it can help reduce the symptoms associated with the damage. Physical therapy can reduce swelling, improve joint mobility, improve flexibility of the muscles that attach to the joint, improve strength of surrounding muscles, and educate the patient on how to best move without causing further damage and injury. Orthopedic surgeons can perform joint replacements if conservative care does not improve quality of life.
What can I expect in a PT session?
You can expect hands on therapy from your therapist who will use joint mobilization techniques, soft tissue mobilization techniques, and passive stretching to improve joint functioning. Your therapist will also have you perform exercises that strengthen muscles to reduce stress being placed on the joint, and provide education regarding activities to avoid to reduce further damage to the joint.
If arthritis pain is preventing you from doing the things you love, call one of our 6 Raleigh area locations. Our skilled therapists are eager to help you get back into the game of life!